Sally Baldwin




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Alli Brown :
November 20 1992 (# 2100) to November 23 1992 (# 2101)


Called as a witness at the last moment by Julia Capwell, although unregistered on the witnesses list, Sally Baldwin comes to testify in the trial of B.J. Walker for Frank Goodman's murder. She answers the questions of Julia and Ben Arnold, the district attorney. During her testimony, she tells that, just like B.J., she was sexually abused by Frank when she was a teenager. Sally allows everyone to see, if it is possible, the horror to the everyday life that undergo the children sexually abused by a close relation of the family.

Her testimony, in spite of all Ben Arnold's objections, is extremely important. It is moreover largely thanks to it that the jury, some times later, will acquit B.J..

Portrait written for this site by Lilian

The photos of Sally
Alli Brown